Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Understand your own madness before you try to understand mine!


It's tuesday night fall and the weather here is crazy. I have no way to predict what i need to wear to combat the day's outlook. It's like basically living in the amazon with it's heavy rainfall one hour then humit heat the next hour, i cant win!

After a brainstorming meeting with me, me and erm me i've decided to give you fine people three music videos each week....:o! The first video will be a song that's caught my eardrums. The second will be album that warrants your attention. The third video will be a classic song. This wont be classic in the sense of a Beatles or Elvis song. No i'm talking about a classic in my ears, a song i could listen to again and again and so on.

This week's bare necessity is....Brandon Flowers - Crossfire

Lead singer of The Killers giving his best vocal performance to date. Solo album due out next month!

This week's must have LP is.......Versaemerge - Fixed At Zero

A band i first saw at 'Give It A Name Introduces 2009' i did a review of there set that night and they really impressed me. Since then then have recorded there debut album and this, the final track is the pick of the bunch.

Finally this week's Kirk classic (only to him) is.....The Departure - Lump In My Throat

Anyone remember them? They had a couple of minor hits in 2004 with 'All Mapped Out' and 'Be My Enemy' but my favourite song is this little number. I just love the guitar bits, even after 5 years it still sends chills.

Right so tomorrow will be back to my normal post and tomorrow topic....3D!

Kirk an gonner!

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